Sunday, August 9, 2015

Experts in Business Plans

Today I am going to review some of the suggestions on creating a great business plan and pitch from some experts in those regards.  Kevin Geiger is known for several films including Chicken Little, and Species.  Despite his primary focus being in digital arts and film he is well versed in the knowledge needed to develop an indie film business plan.  In the video below he discusses some of the most important aspects of the business and that alludes to what one has to know about the actual business plan for an indie film before they can be prepared to pitch it to any investors or production companies. 

His first suggestion is that you must have a strong business plan as well as a strong creative plan.  This goes with any type of business.  Often the idea of what the business is or the creator’s vision is more fleshed out that the actual ways in which the idea will be a successful business. In other words, creators often know what they want to create and how it will be awesome but they fail to communicate how it will generate profits.  That is the Major result of any business and without knowing how your company will make money you can easily develop a faulty business plan.  Another great tip that was mentioned in the video is to develop a strong advisory team that is not being compensated.  This makes a great deal of sense but can be overlooked.  Plenty of people have started businesses before in all the fields and markets that we can think of, it is inefficient to try to reinvent the wheel so getting advisers that can guide you during those situations where the lack of experience can hinder your progress in growing the business.  Also Investors are seeking to limit risk as much as possible, what better way to do that than to have people who know how to make a successful business be a part of your team. Now, the lack of compensation keeps them honest and objective, something that can be overlooked, the minute your advisers start receiving some compensation they are less likely to be as opinionated and find less scrutiny in your work for various reasons.

David S. Rose is a “serial entrepreneur” and the chairman of the New York Angels investment group.   He has several tech startups under his belt and in the ted talk linked he addresses 10 key things that one must convey to investors in their pitch.  The first thing that he mentions is that the investor must be sold on “you” and you, in order to get any kind of investments, must sell your “integrity.  Those were the two biggest points that he insisted were necessary for any investors. 
He discusses how you can show experience in the market, or the ability to run a company without having direct experience with a startup. Using the experience you have in other arenas you can merge the skills necessary for a good leader and entrepreneur and become much more marketable to potential investors. 

These videos were very short but they met the challenge of providing a large amount of quality information in the amount of time that one might get when speaking with investors and venture capitalists.  Utilizing this knowledge will greatly improve a business plan and its chances for success.